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Peoria Woodruff High School, Talisman, 1942

1814 NE Perry St, Peoria, Illinois (current address is 1800 NE Perry)


All members of faculty and staff have individual photographs, with exceptions noted.

McDonald, L R - Principal
Colgan, T C - Dean of Boys
MacDonald, Emma G - Dean of Girls

Eichenlaub, Edna Mae, B.S. - Secretary to Principal
Lottman, Mary E, M.A. - Librarian
McGee, Doris, B.S. - Office Assistant
Tiernan, Margaret M - Office Clerk

Aitchison, Hazel E, B.S. - Advanced Clothing
Armitage, Arthur H, B.S. - Machine Shop and Pattern Making
Berman, Bertha, A.B. - English, Speech
Best, Edwin W, M.S. - Mechanical Drawing, Biology
Blackburn, Verna, A.B., M.A. - Mathematics
Boomgarden, Eugene J, A.B., M.Ed. - Enlgish, German
Boucher, Virgil S, B.S. - Health Education (no photo)
Brye, Melvin H, B.S. - Mechanical Drawing
Burt, Robert O, B.A., M.A. - Journalism, Advertising, Salesmanship, Citizenship
Carlin, William G, B.S. - Solid Geometry, Plane Geometry, College Algebra
Carter, Clarence E, B.S. - Woodwork, Auto Technique
Cody, Mary, A.B. - Shorthand, Typing, Spanish
Connett, Orville W, M.S. - Machine Shop
Correll, Thomas E, B.S. - Physical Education, Hygiene
Courtright, Florence I, A.B. - Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typing
Crowley, Maria, A.B. - English
Culver, Paul M, B.S. - Electricity, Industrial Mathematics
Dunlop, John Jr, B.S., M.A. - Social Problems, US History, Economics
Durham, J Byron, B.S. - Woodworking
Emerson, Erma I - Accompanist, Choral Department
Gummerson, Roy Arthur, B.S. - Bookkeeping
Hall, Jonas C, A.B., M.A. - Biology

Harms, Willis O, B.S., M.S. - Mechanical Drawing
Hedstrom, Gladys M, B.M. - French, English
Hedstrom, Laura, M.S. - Foods, Home Management
Heinzman, Carina, B.S. - Clothing, Commercial Geography
Hession, Gertrude, A.B. - Typing, Business English
Hoeflin, Andrew R, M.A. - History
Jacobson, Carleton J, B.S. - Printing
Kappeler, Ruth B, A.B. - Typing, Business English, Freshman Chorus
Key, George W, M.A. - Industrial Mathematics
Landis, Harry, M.S. - Algebra
Langton, Katherine M, B.A. - English
Livingston, Harold M, A.B., M.A. - English
Lovelock, Patricia T, B.S. - Physical Education, Hygiene (no photo)
Martens, Dorothea E, B.A., M.A. - English
Martens, Mildred M, A.B., M.A. - Mathematics
McCluggage, Elsie Mae, B.S. - Foods, Boys' Home Economics
Meixner, Josephine, B.S. - Physical Education, Hygiene
Miller, Emaline, B.S., M.A. - Geography
Miller, Gladys E, A.B. - Shorthand, Typing, Secretarial Practice
Miller, Helen, A.B. - Office Appliances, Bookkeeping
Nance, Helen M, Ph.M. - US History, Ancient History, Medieval History

Norman, Herschel, B.S. - Bookkeeping, Business Training
Nothdurft, Orville, B.A., M.A. - Citizenship, Political Government
Perdew, Avice M, A.B., M.A. - English
Pfander, Winona Whittington, M.A., B.S. - English
Pocklington, Frank W, M.A. - Science
Ririe, Merle J, B.S. - Architectural Drawing, Mechanical Drawing
Roger, Irvin G, B.S. - Civics, Mathematics
Savage, Edith, M.A. - Citizenship, Commercial Geography
Shepherd, Virgil C, B.Ed. - Chemistry, Physics
Shephardson, Margaret, B.S. - Crafts, Art, Art Appreciation
Sperling, Edwardine, M.A. - English
Stepzinski, Florence, B.S. - Spanish
Thalberg, Vivian, A.B. - Shorthand, Typing
Warfield, Florence, M.A. - Latin, English
Waugh, Paul R, B.S. - Electricity
Welsh, Kathryn C, A.B. - Home Economics
Westermann, Remda, B.S. - Art, Dress Design
White, Louise V, M.A. - Practical Science, Biology
Wilson, Susan Esther, B.M.E. - Music

Wolf, Ray, B.S. - Hygiene, Physical Education
Woodman, Forrest J, B.A. - Band, Orchestra

One group photograph with the following:
Mr Schaub
Mr Deethardt
Mr Howells
Mr Meacham
Mr Stewart
Mr Hicks
Mrs Burger
Mr Pozony

With another photograph of a Mr Fall and a Mr Doolittle.


All seniors have individual photographs, except when noted.

Allen Dean Ellsworth
Allmon, Mary Lou
Anderson, Ellen Marie
Anderson, Phyllis Jean
Anderson, Roland Leonard (no photo)
Anglin, Constance Janice
Armstrong, Donald Eugene
Astroth, Jacqueline Joyce
Austin, James R (senior class officer)
Bailey, Charles William
Barron, Patricia Ann
Barry, Carolyn Lucille
Barth, Richard
Bauwens, Marilyn
Becker, Janice Suzanne
Bell, Virginia Louise
Berg, Florence Marie
Betson, William
Bickel, James Henry
Blackard, Robert Lee
Blunier, Minerva Margaret
Boulanger, Jean
Brannon, Patricia Jane

Bremer, Robert
Browning, Shirley Mae
Burk, William F
Button, Howard Dean
Caldwell, Robert Vernon
Cantrall, Dorothy Ellen
Chrisman, Helen Marie
Christ, Joseph
Cleer, Kenneth
Conlee, Martha Anita
Conroy, James
Cook, Marjorie
Coon, William
Copelen, Wilma Laurine
Corder, Oleta Grace
Cordts, Roy George
Corken, Dorothy Helen
Cranford, Priscilla Ann
Crank, Kenneth Gene
Crawford, William
Crider, Augusta
Cruise, Celia M

Cummins, Dorothy Maxine (senior class officer)
Daniels, Wayne M
Delaney, W Dean (senior class officer)
Delgado, Lucille
Denlick, Walter James
Detweiler, Laura Lee
Diamond, Sylvia
Dixon, Harriet
Duhs, Bob Carl
Dunkel, William
Dupuy, Dorothy
Eaton, Francis L
Eaton, Rosemary
Edlin, Rose
Ellis, June
Engle, Elizabeth
Engstrom, Calvin
Everist, Shirley
Farabee, Albert
Fetherspil, Hazel Constance
Finkey, Ruby Dee
Firth, Betty Jane

Fitchhorn, Edward R
Fitzgerald, Leon
Ford, Joe
Franklin, William
Fry, Marie
Funkhouser, Norma
Gardner, Eileen
Gibbs, Wilbur Aaron
Giebelhausen, Mary
Gonas, Irene George
Gosse, Margaret
Graham, Jack
Grant, Doris
Graves, Lois
Grawey, Anthony
Gregory, Betty Jeanne
Grieser, Donald Frances (probably Francis)
Grimm, Helen
Guldenpfennig, Eugene
Hackett, Angelica
Hailey, Betty June
Halder, Charles

Hall, Betty Irene
Hammer, Marion Thelma
Hammer, Theodore
Hankins, Wade Lewis
Hardesty, Harold Henry
Harland, Philip Gilbert
Harms, Helen J
Harrell, Virginia
Harrison, David Ward
Harrison, Jim
Hasten, Jack
Hasten, Lyle
Hauptly, Richard Albert
Helvey, Virginia
Heryford, Hellen Marian
Hillier, John George
Hodson, Alva
Hoerr, Marjorie Ann
Hoerr, Wilbur
Hoffman, William J
Holmes, Lela Ethelene
Hoover, Phyllis Alberta

Hopkins, Stephen Bill
Hopper, Jean
Hughes, Harris A
Humphrey, Jacqueline Arverne
Humphrey, Jonanne Adele
Huxtable, William George
Janssen, Frances Ernestine
Johnson, Dorothy Josephine
Johnson, Lois Lucille
Johnson, Marian Jean
Jones, Elizabeth Margaret
Jones, Marjorie Elizabeth
Jones, Bob
Joos, Margaret S
Kennedy, Arthur Edward
Kessler, John
Kinney, Mary Kay
Kinsall, Jean
Kinsinger, Ruben (no photo)
Kirk, Shirley
Kittridge, Wilma Elizabeth
Kneer, Marian Elizabeth

Koch, Betty Jean
Kreiter, Anna Mae
Lacey, Jeanette
Lacey, Lola Irene
Landuyt, Irene
Langston, Margie Anne
Laughlin, Virginia Lee
Law, Marjorie
Leighty, William Gene (no photo)
LeSeure, James
Light, Robert
Lindsey, Mary Alice
Lofgren, Jack
Long, Lester
Lowder, Hazel Mae
Lush, Helen
Lundgren, Charlotte Ann
Lundgren, Kenneth
Luthy, Robert
Macefield, Thelma June
Manard, Veta Marie
Mason, Robert L

Matthews, Jack Sylvester
Mayes, Wayne Elwood
McDaniel, Patricia
McEntee, Hugh Frances
McGrane, Jack William
McGuire, Bernard (no photo)
McIntyre, William
McLaughlin, Mary Ellen
McVeain, Donald Arthur
Metroff, John Raymond (no photo)
Miller, Bernita Arlene
Moffatt, Geraldine
Morrisson, Fanny Laura
Mowry, Ada Louise (no photo)
Mueller, Lorraine Rita
Mull, Dorothy
Mulvaney, Carol Ellen
Muzzy, Helen L
Myers, Marie Eileen
Myers, Joseph LeRoy
Nelson, Howard
Nesbitt, Robert Dean

Ney, Josephine Mildred
Odle, Mildred Lucille
Paine, Lester Harold
Parks, Felix Gilbert
Pemberton, Edward
Peterson, Richard Dean
Phillipson, Frances Irene
Plack, Harold Joseph
Pople, Blanche Mae
Prozzo, David
Reynolds, James Donald
Richardson, Alvada Jane
Richardson, Marvin Edward
Ritchey, Nina Mae
Robbins, Charles Bud
Robinson, Betty Jane
Romanek, Maxine Millicent
Reames, Randel Ray
Rose, Kathleen
Roszell, Lyle Wesley
Rother, Kathryn C

Russell, Bettie Rosemary
Rush, Lillian Marie
Saal, Charlotte Louise
Sandman, Arlyn Ruth
Schielein, Helen Louise
Schuettler, Donna
Schweiger, Rosemary Joan
Sehmer, Joan Lura
Severns, Richard
Severns, Roger Arnold
Shuda, Mary
Siegfried, Shirley Ann
Sinn, Eunice
Sippel, Kathryn Margraeta
Slighton, Willis
Smith, Betty June
Smith, Robert George
Snyder, Martha Lee
Solls, Marilyn Mildred
Spalding, John H
St. Clair, Dorothy Alice (no photo)
Sterling, Beth
Straesser, Hubert LeRoy
Sullivan, Paris (no photo)
Sunderlin, Muriel
Sweeney, Robert
Swords, Charles
Thomas, Alfred Daniel
Thomas, Fred L (no photo)
Thomas, Mary
Tompkins, Betty
Totten, Beverly (Becky)(senior class officer)
Trager, Geraldine Lorene
Travis, Arthur
Traynor, Opal Ann
Wagner, Donald Edward
Wahl, Dale Carl
Wall, Elmer
Walls, Barbara Ruth
Waninger, Dorothy Ruth
Watzl, Roland Henry
Weyenth, Robert

Wherley, J Philip
White, Farnum
Wiedeman, Jack William
Wieland, Darlyne Louise
Wieland, George William
Williams, Betty Jeanne
Williams, Joyce
Williams, June
Willis, Maxine
Wilson, Dorothy
Wilson, Marilyn Lestilie
Wilson, Robert
Witzig, Clarence George
Wright, Norval John


All juniors have individual photographs, however, I have found that several of them are not properly identified and others have names spelled wrong.

Class officers are identified as:
Bohl, Bob
Gorenz, Jean
Hybiske, Tom
Watzl, Phyllis


Sophomores have been photographed in groups, apparently by home room, and identified with first initial and last name.

Class officers are identified as:
Johnson, Bob
Smith, Bob
Tippetts, Gloria


Freshmen have been photographed in groups, apparently by home room, and identified with first initial and last name.

Class officers are identified as:
Hill, Jack
McMillan, Phyllis
Parris, Verna Lee


This yearbook does have an index

In most photographs of clubs, sports and activities, students are identified only by first initial and last name.

On page 108, there are two photographs, with the following story on the "Woodruff Minstrels":

"Woodruff's first, and we hope not the last, Minstrel Show was greatly applauded on the nights of December seventeenth and eighteenth. Audiences were captivated by the displayal of Southland charm and promptly stamped the show a success. But what else could it be when under the direction of Mr. Woodman and Mr. Livingston? Deserving a sentence by himself is Don Winslow, who designed the original scenery for this gala event. Credit is also due to Miss Westermann, Miss Hedstrom, and Mr. Durham, who so willingly gave up their time to guarantee the success of this show. Page after page of thanks wouldn't be enough to express our gratitude to the mothers who made the costumes and helped in a thousand other ways."

The top photograph shows about sixty students sitting in chairs on the auditorium stage. While difficult to see full detail, it is clear that most of the boys, and a few of the girls, are in "black face". The large mural behind them (the "original scenery" mentioned above) depicts about a dozen cartoonish-like characters, all in "black face", some playing a banjo, others dancing and some singing into a microphone.

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